The beginning of every year is usually a time when motivation is at an all time high.
Lots of people are spurned on the “new year, new me” mentality, and often our new runners and workout sets that we’ve scored for Christmas can make the idea of fitness and exercise even more enticing.
Not to mention that at the beginning of the year you can usually score some pretty great gym membership deals too.
However, after a few months, the people who were running through the gym doors in January are nowhere to seen.
So, why is that?
Many people blame it on a lack of motivation. But what is motivation and why does it seemingly come and go?
Today, we’re going to delve into the idea of motivation, including the different types of motivation and what you can get it pumping. So, if you’ve ever suffered from a lack of motivation, keep reading to find out how to overcome it.
Motivation Comes in Different Forms
You’ve probably got a bit of a general idea of what motivation is – but motivation can be kind of a complex concept, but it is easier to understand when you break motivation down into the different types of motivation.
You can be motivated by extrinsic factors or intrinsic desires.
Extrinsic factors are usually external motivators which could be things like wanting to look good in a bathing suit, wanting a six pack or trying to get fit to catch someone’s eye. These external motivators can be powerful, however, if you don’t see results or can’t figure out how to reach the goal, you’re after, then the motivation can dry up pretty fast.
Intrinsic motivational drivers are usually things that are important to you now, something you can achieve now – for example, how exercising can relieve you of feeling stressed, it can change your head space, and it can just make you feel physically good.
Trying to harness motivation is not easy, but before we give you some tips about how you could improve your motivation levels, let’s talk about some of the common reasons we lose motivation.
How you can improve your motivation
Now that you know some of the common reasons we lose motivation to exercise, let’s talk about the different things you can do to improve motivation levels.
1. Build a support network
One of the most motivating factors for anything – not just exercise – is someone else. Many people fear letting someone else down, which is why building a support network can help to improve your motivation.
Support could come in many forms. It might be a partner cheering you on or it might be a new gym environment that encourages you to keep going.
One of our favourite forms of support is a workout buddy. They can be a person you exercise with, maybe someone from an exercise class or an old friend who you like spending time with.
Finding support and having people to work towards your goals with can make exercising and working out a whole lot more fun which is definitely motivating.
2. Change it up
We mentioned that a boring or stale routine is a sure way to kill your motivation What’s the solution? Shake it up. Try new things.
We won’t lie, stepping into a new exercise class or trying something you’ve never done before can be scary, but it can also be extremely exhilarating. The adrenaline high from trying something new – even when you don’t do it well – can be so motivational.
If you’re finding it hard to find the confidence or the motivation to try something new, try to think back to when you first started your current routine. It was new to you at some point and now you’ve become so good at it it’s boring. We’ve all got to start somewhere.
3. Find a way to hold yourself accountable
We mentioned building a support network, which can definitely go hand in hand with accountability. A support network can keep you going and provide you with that much needed motivation. But accountability can come in lots of different forms.
Some people find social media a great outlet to drive their motivation and hold themselves accountable (it’s also a way to build a support network/community). Often people use it to share goals and achievements. However, it is also important to be careful on social media. You don’t want to put too much pressure on yourself and end up losing more motivation if you don’t achieve your goals.
4. Get new workout gear or create a rewards system
Incentive – it really helps to build and strengthen motivation.
You could create an incentive system for yourself that could either be a rewards system for achieving specific goals or you could treat yourself up front to get the motivation running.
For upfront incentives, perhaps you could buy yourself some new workout gear, like runners or legging or even a set of dumbbells. Getting to try out something new can be exciting.
If you’re going to create a reward system for achieving goals perhaps you could put money towards a holiday or treating yourself to a spa day.
5. Give yourself some goals
We’ve talked a lot about goals, but it’s important to really think about what your goals are when it comes to exercising.
A common goal for people is weight loss, but instead of giving yourself a kilogram weight loss goal, have a think about why you want to lose weight. Maybe you want to get healthier, maybe you want to feel better, or maybe you want to fit in to those jeans. As you can see there could be intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors behind a goal, but it’s a good idea to understand your goal and why you have it.
It could change your whole motivational drive.
Get motivated with Rec Xpress
At Rec Xpress, we’re experts in motivation. How? We provide our clients with a safe, friendly, and supportive environment that makes them want to come back again and again for more. Which is why, if you’re lacking in motivation, we could be the solution for you.
We have 6 gyms located in Melbourne’s Southeast – Clayton, Cheltenham, Bentleigh, East Brighton, Huntingdale, and Ormond – each with state-of-the-art equipment and 24-hour access. Our gyms are staffed with knowledgeable trainers who are ready and eager to help you today.
So, if you’re looking for an affordable and motivating gym in Melbourne, you need Rec Xpress.
Find out more about our memberships here.