The 5 Best Chest Exercises

Why Your Chest Needs Working Out Your upper body is technically a large muscle group. Giving it a proper workout is a must as it helps the rest of the body function properly. Doing chest exercises is also a great introduction to your fitness routine. Muscles in the Chest Your chest is comprised of two… Read more »

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Is It Worth Joining a Gym?

It’s that burning question you have in your head… Should I join a gym? Will it be worth it? Sometimes the answer isn’t a simple yes or no; there are several factors that come into play such as: Your lifestyle – are you working in an office? Are you a stay-at-home parent? Your work –… Read more »

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What Does Body Fat Content Mean?

Ever woken up one day, looked at yourself in the mirror and said, “Hmm, I could do without this flabby (insert body part).” Raise your hand if you’ve thought this way about your body at least once. I know I have. Most of us are pretty guilty about neglecting certain areas in our body, and… Read more »

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